Churo Diaz
From a very young age, Jorge Ivan Diaz showed that he had an artist breed, in his native Urumita, in the heart of the department of La Guajira, he could already be seen singing everywhere and people's comments were always of admiration for his interpretive ability, As all that potential grew, he matured with Churo, as he is affectionately called.
Churo Diaz ventures into the vallenato world professionally alongside his cousin Ivan Zuleta, with whom he records a single called 'Enamórate'.
Later, Churo joined forces with Eimar Martinez and they had the good fortune to record three successful productions entitled "A mi modo", "Esta es la forma", "A paso firme ... La sociedad"; thus achieving recognition and popularity, attracting the attention of the media and adding followers who identified with his fresh musical proposal.
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