Francy Música Popular, Pacto de Caricias, Triunfadores Música Popular



Francy "The popular voice of America", began at an early age by the hand of "El rey del despecho" (the king of rebound) Darío Gómez, with him she recorded the song that made her known nationwide, "Como un ángel" and continues to be one of the most requested by lovers of the popular genre, the version that is still heard on the radio and is the same one that she recorded at the age of 13, demonstrating from a very young age all her talent and the strength in her voice that has characterized her and that opened the doors of the success.

Francy, always in her songs reminds women that they must demand respected in front of those men who do not value them and expresses it in phrases such as: "Que le aguante los resabios su mamá" ("let your mother handle your whimps") or "Que se largue con sus gritos" ("Get out of here with your screams"), "Sus insultos y vicios donde no lo vuelva a ver" ("Your insults and his vices where I won't see them again”) are used to describe how badly men sometimes behave with their women.


Francy en Spotify

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