5 tips for emerging artists

Talent will always be the foundation of success in the career not only of an artist, but of anyone in any trade and discipline, however, many times the road to consolidation is not so clear and short for many. The key is not to give up, to persist, fight and never stop dreaming.

These are some keys that must be taken into account when embarking on the path in music:

  • Authenticity: copies can be successful, but they are usually short-lived, quickly forgotten by the public. Create your own style (both artistic and physical), your essence and identity. Respect it and keep it with you.
  • Discipline: You have to help talent and the best way is by working, studying, rehearsing. Establish daily routines, with fixed and determined schedules each day. Take your career as a job that you enjoy and have fun with, not just as a hobby.
  • Patience: it is undoubtedly one of the most difficult things for an artist. Knowing how to wait is essential to understand this career and understand something which seems very logical, that the world advances one step at a time, that everything comes in due time.
  • Versatility: in today's world it is not enough to have a good voice, it is necessary to become an artist that surprises on stage or in a recording studio with a guitar, a piano, and a bass. Learn to play an instrument.
  • Empathy: the number of followers and likes on social networks is not enough to earn a name, to consolidate a career. Contact with the people, with the public, is basic, just like the traditional media. Do not minimize them.


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